Diabetes and Physical Activity

People with diabetes should exercise regularly, as most people know. For those with diabetes, “exercise frequently” can seem daunting or confusing.

How frequently is it “regularly”? And how difficult does the activity need to be?

For most diabetics, modest increases in activity can yield big rewards.

Your health can be greatly improved by simply being more active than you currently are.

It doesn’t take much to run a 5K or go to the gym for an hour. You just need to get moving. This can be walking, biking, swimming, gardening, or any number of other activities.

Exercise helps to control blood sugar.

What is the limit of enough?

Research shows that moderate exercise can boost the body’s glucose uptake by as much as 40% in people with insulin resistance.

Physical activity makes cells more sensitive to insulin and allows them to use insulin better. Both of these actions can help lower blood sugar.

You will reap the greatest benefits if you do something every day. You may be able to reduce your insulin or diabetes medication if you become more active. (Of course, you should never alter your insulin or medications without consulting your doctor.

Regular exercise can not only lower blood sugar but also offer important cardiovascular benefits.

Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

You’ll burn calories even after you quit exercising because exercise increases your metabolism for many hours.

This will help you to maintain a healthy weight and lose excess pounds, if necessary.

Ready for the start?

You should first consult your doctor or diabetes educator if you haven’t been exercising.

Professional guidance is always a good idea, especially if you have diabetes complications.

Begin slowly, take a break when you feel tired, and then gradually build up to a regular exercise routine.

People with diabetes are more likely to sustain foot infections or injuries.

Shoes that fit properly, don’t rub or press against skin, and are suitable for your activity should be chosen.

Check your feet for any bruises or irritations after exercising. Let your doctor know immediately if you notice redness, swelling, or pain in your feet.

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