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3D rendering for Product Videos: Is it Practical?

3D Rendering software

On Amazon, listing images, EBCs, and Product Videos are key to imposing a powerful statement upon your buyers. Poor quality images or images that do not present the product clearly end up at the bottom of the pile, such is the standard set by the market.

However, creating high quality images & videos can be a daunting task to sellers as it requires a lot of investment and trial & error to create something competitive and set their product apart.

A recent development in the industry has been the adaptation of 3D rendering in advertising their product. The technology has bolstered the approach of sellers providing for a cost effective and quality alternative to contemporary product photography & videography.

New to the concept of 3D Rendering? Let’s get you all caught up

Using 2D images, a photo-realistic 3D image is then computer-generated with the help of 3D rendering software. This 3D image can then be used to display different angles of the same object and details that might have been overlooked in a normal picture taken by a camera.

This method does not require the seller to send their products to a physical location elsewhere, as all the work is done based on measurements and images of the product that can be easily taken through a handheld device.

Moreover, the ability to take multiple angles and use these images in various surroundings with minimal effort through a single render make it a much cheaper & faster option compared to having a photo shoot done at different locations and at different angles.

Where can you use 3D renders of your Product?

3D Rendering software

3D renders have long been used in the advertisment industry, with most of the breathtaking visuals that you come across today being a byproduct of this technology.

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The reason is the same as on Amazon:

  • 3D renders offer you crisp displays
  • Creativity has no limit with the use of 3D images
  • Product features can be dissected with higher detail
  • It opens the door to recreating situations that might be difficult to pull off in real life photo shoots

Another use of 3D renders that is increasingly becoming synonymous with its use on Amazon is the integration of 3D in video content.

Where can you use 3D rendering of your Product?

This is an untapped territory on Amazon at the moment but is quickly gaining pace in becoming a norm. Sellers can utilize the same benefits as using 3D images for listing images and Amazon EBCs in their product videos.

Coupled with animated sequences, 3D images become a very powerful tool in providing a greater immersive experience to their buyers, with visuals that leave them in awe, something that most Amazon product videography falls short in.

Features of products with moving parts can be shown in action, greater tutorials on effectively using the product can be displayed, as well as the utility of the product and a deeper understanding of the Unique Value Proposition (UVP) of the product.

Videos become totally harmless and cost effective when showing a product that is used in rather dangerous situations, with a greater sense of reality than what could be achieved by directed and produced video shoots.

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Does this mean you shouldn’t use Product Videography?

Feasibility of using 3D is totally dependent on the product that you’re selling. If the product is complex or to be shown in a single setting, opting for Product Videography might be a better option for you as 3D product rendering services can cost you upwards of $10,000 for really complex and detail-heavy products.

So to answer the question, nothing is set in stone and all is open to what would fit your product and your budget. The basic priority is to provide high quality content which can lead to higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

Choose wisely and I hope your decision rakes in the sales for your business on Amazon!

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